We follow the school calendar with no sessions on public holidays or inclement weather (bus cancellations will cancel our meetings as well).
To learn more about the MOPS program, visit the MOPS website.
To register for MOPS or for questions…
Mondays 9:30 – 11am (Sept – May)
REGISTER HERE! (see below)
What is MOPS/MOMSNext?
(for mothers of preschoolers up to Gr. 8)
We are a group of moms who desire to serve, share life together, and connect with other moms in Barrie. We welcome expecting moms, moms of infants and toddlers and moms who have school aged children.
What to Expect
- Coffee and Breakfast
- Crafts and Activities
- Small Group discussion
- Monthly Outings/Activities
- Child care
- Friendships
We meet every Monday morning from 9:30am – 11:00am:
- One Monday each month is PLAYGROUP at the church – casual, drop in style, moms and children together; geared for those with babies and preschoolers. Suggested donation: $2.00/family.
- One Monday each month is a fun OUTING DAY – some costs may be occurred (see monthly calendar for location).
- Every other Monday of the month is COFFEE & CHATS at the church – a structured Bible study with intentional conversation and a chance to connect and grow. We have occasional guest speakers who can cheer us on! Childcare is provided. Children can play in the gym to include more physical activities. No cost.
Mom’s Night Out Events
Our Children’s Ministry Director has a real heart for young moms (being one herself too!). We’ve long recognized that many of you, moms of all ages, would love a night out *without kiddos* to connect and just have some fun. Contact us for our next Night Out event!
Welcoming to all Women
We’ve all been placed in this time and place in history, as the tribe of women who are raising the world. And the beauty of it is that we don’t all have to agree with one another but everyone is in and we all need each other.
At each meeting there is time to get to know other moms in an accepting small group atmosphere.
We serve moms of all ages with children from birth through elementary school, and offer an opportunity for seasoned mentor moms to serve.
MOPS is all about offering moms a place to engage in community.
Look, we all love our kids, but let’s be honest: a little break now and then makes us want to be with them even more. We provide a preschool-style experience for your kiddos that they will love going back to.