Join us Sunday mornings at 10AM…
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Current Sermon Series:  IT BEGINS WITH US… David: What You Think Matters

King David served his generation.  What he thought mattered as his thoughts influenced his faith, family and community.  We are God’s family, knowing, growing and serving in the Love of Christ to help our community experience Christ.  It begins with us and what we think matters; our thoughts will influence our faith, families and communities.

Sermon Series MAY 5-JUNE 30:  IT BEGINS WITH US…Healthy Church (A Letter to Titus)

Imagine a church where people are introduced to Jesus, find a place to belong and their needs are met… imagine  what God can do with a healthy church within the reach of every Canadian…   As we study the book of Titus we find the makings of a healthy church… and where we realize that … it all begins with us and as we do, we will help our community experience Christ.

Sermon Series (throughout 2023 to APR 2024):  ENTRUSTED…Our Part In God’s Plan

We have been entrusted with the city of Barrie to help our community experience Christ.  How do we do this?  The book of Ephesians was written to a group of people who were asking the same question.  Join us as we explore these principles for living out the Christian life, in our family, neighbourhood and the world we live in.

Lenten Sermon Series… BEHOLD HIM – The Man Who Changed The World

During these 40 days of Lent, we pause to behold Jesus; to look upon He who changed the world.  Let our hearts be captivated by the one who is the light of the world, the resurrection and the life.  May we behold Jesus, the lamb of God, who came to take away the sin of the world.

Sermon Series SEPT 17-OCT 22:  TRUE NORTH – Heading in the right direction

The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you (Psalm 32:8). Our five Core Values help direct us as we work together to be God’s family knowing, growing and serving in the love of Christ and helping our community Christ.


Jonah – God’s prophet – missed out on the joy of experiencing God’s mercy and mission in an unexpected place to an undeserving people because of the unforgiveness, bitterness and malice he had towards them. Unresolved hurt can cause us to miss out on God’s great plans. Join us as we dive deep into Jonah’s story and uncover God’s heart of love and mercy in the midst of Jonah’s rebellion.


The first words that Jesus spoke from the grave have tremendous power for those who listen.  They bring identity, purpose, strength and direction.

2023 – Lenten Sermon Series:  THE LAST WORDS OF JESUS – 7 Phrases to Impact Your Life

Through the season of Lent we examine Jesus’ words while on the cross…

   LENT 1:  “Father, forgive them…” Luke 23:32-34
   LENT 2:  “Today you will be with Me in Paradise” Luke 23:35-43
   LENT 3:  “Woman, behold your son” John 19:25-27
   LENT 4:  “My God, My God…” Mark 15:33-36
   LENT 5:  “I thirst!” John 19:28-29
   LENT 6:  “It is finished!” PALM SUNDAY

2022 – Sermon Series JUNE 26-AUG 28:  GOD IS… answering tough questions about God

“What we believe about God affects how we live, how we view ourselves and others, and even how we respond to trials we face in life. Our beliefs about God also affect our relationship with Him. It’s important to have a healthy view of God—one that is based not on our feelings or opinion but on the truth of His Word.” [Gateway Church]

In this series, GOD IS… you will gain a fresh perspective into the heart and character of God, and be encouraged as you learn more about your heavenly Father who never changes and loves you more than you’ll ever know.

Sermon Series MAY 1-JUNE 19:  PROTECT YOUR IDENTITY – Ephesians 6

Identity theft is on the rise with millions of dollars spent yearly on protecting your information from being stolen… but how do we protect our spiritual identity? Join us Sundays as we learn to protect ourselves from the enemy who is looking to steal your identity in Christ.

Lenten Sermon Series MAR 6-APR 24:  DARE TO ENGAGE:  JESUS (Identity: 7 Steps to Fulfillment)

Self-help programs abound, convincing us that we have what we need to be a better “you”. The problem is, when we are the source of fulfillment, there will always be brokenness and imperfection BUT when we turn to Jesus, He alone is everything we need to experience the fullness of identity.

Sermon Series JAN 16-FEB 27:  DARE TO EXPLORE – Ephesians 1 (Identity: Received not Achieved)

Uncertainty. Unpredictability and Anxiety are on the rise as it seems like every time you turn around something has changed. As we step into this new year, DARE TO EXPLORE something that never changes… who Jesus says you are. This series of messages from Ephesians 1 will bring stability, hope and peace to your ruffled spirit!

Advent Sermon Series NOV 28-DEC 24:  GHOSTS of Christmas

For many, the most wonderful time of the year isn’t so wonderful.  Many of us are haunted by the Ghosts of Christmas: past hurts, expectations, and more – these memories and feelings that we carry with us from year to year often prevent us from experiencing the joy of the season!

But what if this year could be different?  Join us as we invite God to heal the Ghosts of Christmas.

Sermon Series SEPT 12-NOV 21:  KEEP MOVING FORWARD: From isolation to engagement  (ACTS)

Sermon Series JUN 13-SEPT 5:  Becoming Peacemakers

The world is broken.  Violence, suffering, division and hate are everywhere.
There’s another way.
The way of peace.  The way of Jesus
2 Corinthians 5:11-21

Sermon Series APR 11-MAY 30:  The next chapter… ACTS: The Story Continues

The Book of Acts is the story of the Church.  Not a building… but the story of a people, empowered by The Holy Spirit, saved by faith in Christ and restored to relationship with the God of creation who loves and created each of them.  It’s a story of persecution and trials, of grief and loss, of victory and power, encouragement and joy!  It’s the story of God’s unstoppable love moving through people across borders and cultures and time changing the lives of everyone who would believe!

Sermon Series JAN 17-APR 4:  “WHO DO YOU SAY I AM?” … Testimonies from the Gospel of Luke

The most important question you will ever answer is… “Who do you say Jesus Christ is?”  How you answer will impact every aspect of your being!  Join us each week as we examine 12 personal encounters with Jesus from the Gospel of Luke that will help you answer this question.

Week of Prayer & Fasting JAN 3-10, 2021:  REMEMBER… I am God.  And there is none like Me.  Isaiah 46.9

Each year we set aside time at the beginning of the year to pause as a church family and seek the Lord together to declare that God comes first and we desire to know His plans and purposes for our families & our church.  Sun, Jan 3 – Covenant Renewal Service; Sun, Jan 10 – Healing Service

Sermon Series NOV 29-DEC  24:  “REDISCOVER CHRISTMAS” … Good News in Troubling Times

Finding HOPE in our Uncertainties  |  Finding PEACE in our Struggles  |  Finding JOY in our Discouragements  |  Finding LOVE in our Differences  |  Finding CHRIST in our World

Sermon Series SEPT 13-NOV 22:  This is US…

In a disrupted world… some things are non-negotiable.

Sermon Series JULY 12-SEPT 6:  LIFE LOADING…

Waiting.  It’s what everyone’s doing.  Waiting to see what is going to happen next.  Waiting for the pandemic to end.  It’s exhausting.  I’m tired of waiting!  We’re all tired of waiting!  Life Loading is an insightful series of talks taken from the wisdom of the Bible that will help us not only to survive the wait… but to thrive during the wait!  To be… renewed!

Sermon Series APR 19-JUN 21:  CONNECTION – Building real relationships in an isolated world

Connection.  We were created for relationship.  With the onset of Covid-19 and physical distancing it seems like real relationships have been put on hold and we have to endure the time ahead.  It doesn’t have to be this way.  In the following set of messages, we’re going to figure out how to build real meaningful relationships in the midst of separation.  Tune in!

Previous Audio Sermon Series

Follow Jesus  |   Jan 19  –  Mar 8, 2020

What does it mean to be a Christian?  FOLLOW JESUS.
The teachings of Christ are so remarkable that when people follow Him, their lives are transformed.  They live life more fully.  They connect with God in real and meaningful ways.  Relationships are restored when they learn how to love others deeply and authentically and peace becomes the norm.
The simple answer is:  Follow Jesus – True Teaching. True Living. True Loving.
Mar 8Follow Jesus: "Obedience" - 1 John 2:3-6
(with Testimony from Garry Walton)
Rev. Jenn Wagar
Mar 1Special Youth Service: "Rooted in God's Identity" - 1 Samuel 18:1-7Guest Speaker, Steve Bradley, Life 100.3
Feb 23Special Children's Service - "Communion":
- Why we do Communion
- Forgiveness, Thanksgiving
- How we do Communion
Rev. Jenn Wagar
Feb 16Follow Jesus: "Sin and Forgiveness" - 1 John 1:5-10
(with Testimony from Donna Neal)
Rev. Jenn Wagar
Feb 9Follow Jesus: "The Light in the Darkness" - 1 John 1:1-7
(with Testimony from Purav Tailor)
Rev. Henry Dyck
Feb 2Follow Jesus: "Joy & Fellowship" - 1 John 1:3-4
(with Testimony from Jeff Thatcher on being part of a Small Group)
Rev. Jenn Wagar
Jan 26Follow Jesus - Week 2

Begins with follow-up from Week of Prayer & Fasting - Testimonies on Forgiveness:
1st - written testimony
2nd - Testimony from David Fraser
Rev. Jenn Wagar
Jan 19Follow Jesus - Week 1
(with Testimony from Tammy Browning)
Rev. Jenn Wagar

Week of PRAYER and Fasting  |   Jan 5  –  12, 2020

The purpose of this week is to remind/recommit us to pursuing God more fully in the coming year. Set aside January 5-12 and ask God to heal: Your Self; Your Church; Your Relationships; Your Community; Your Family. Psalm 34:18 – “The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

CLICK HERE for Week of Prayer & Fasting Handout with Schedule

Jan 12Healing Service - "The Master Key" ...Forgiveness

James 5:13-15 - Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
Rev. Jenn Wagar
with Testimonies from Sam Catling and Christina Catling
Jan 5Covenant ServiceRev. Jenn Wagar

CAROLS | Dec 1 – 29, 2019

God is with us – in answered promises, realized dreams, and refreshed hope. How could we help but sing? Let’s explore the songs born from our joy that Christ has entered the world.

CLICK HERE for 25-day Christmas Devotional

Dec 29CAROLS - "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day"Guest Speaker, Ben von Bredow
Dec 22CAROLS - "Away in a Manger"Rev. Jenn Wagar
Dec 15CAROLS - "O Come All Ye Faithful"Rev. Henry Dyck
Dec 8CAROLS - "Cardboard Christmas" Musical Drama Presentation - "Go Tell It On The Mountain"n/an/a
Dec 1CAROLS - "O Holy Night"Rev. Jenn Wagar

Making Change  |   Oct 20  –  Nov 24, 2019

Do your finances bring you fear or freedom? Whether you’re digging out of debt or planning for your future, now’s the time to build a foundation that endures. Investing in a brighter tomorrow starts by Making Change today. This four-part series covers biblical truths about finances, and how to find freedom in a debt-saturated world.
Nov 24"What About Youth & Young Adults" - Interview with Landon Tomlinson, BFMC Youth & Young Adults DirectorRev. Jenn Wagar with Landon Tomlinson
Nov 17Making Change - "Tomorrow Matters" - Prov 21:20 & 6:6-8Rev. Jenn Wagar
Nov 10Remembrance ServiceGuest Speaker, Rev. Maj. Bob Lay
Nov 3Making Change - "Giving is Good" - Acts 20:35Rev. Jenn Wagar
Oct 27Making Change - "Stress is Bad" - Proverbs 22:7, 25:8Guest Speaker, Steve Bradley, Life 100.3
Oct 20Making Change - "Less is More" - Ecclesiastes 4:6Rev. Jenn Wagar

Enemies of the Heart   |   Sept 15  –  Oct 13, 2019

Just as a physically unhealthy heart can destroy your body, an emotionally and spiritually unhealthy heart can destroy you and your relationships. Over the next four weeks, we are going to look at four common enemies of the heart – guilt, anger, jealousy and greed and teach you how to remove them so you can experience fullness of life in your relationships with people and God.
Oct 13Thanksgiving / Tearfund Sunday
Rev 12:11 - "They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death."
Rev. Jenn Wagar, and Guest Speaker, Steve Kell
Oct 6GreedGuest Speaker, Steve Bradley, Life 100.3
Sept 29Jealousy - James 4:1-3Rev. Jenn Wagar
Sept 22Anger - Eph 4:25-32Rev. Jenn Wagar
Sept 15GuiltRev. Jenn Wagar

Helping Without Hurting – Rethinking Mission   |   July 14  –  Aug 25, 2019

The goal of this series is to equip our church family with a biblical ministry framework that restores the poor to fulfilling their God-given callings and potential.
Sept 1"What Race are You Running? - 1 Cor 8:24-27Landon Tomlinson, Youth & Young Adults Director
Aug 25"Moving Forward"Rev. Jenn Wagar
Aug 18"Fostering Change" - Ez 36:26, Jer 24:7, Rom 12:2, Ps 51:10Rev. Jenn Wagar
Aug 11"When the Extraordinary becomes Ordinary" - 2 Corinthians 5:14-20Special Guest Speaker, Pastor Kevin Mast, Hope City Church (downtown Barrie)
Aug 4Special VBS Family ServiceChildren's presentation of last week's summer VBSno sermon
July 28"Understanding Why Good Intentions Are Not Enough" - Luke 10:30-37, James 1:5-6, Galatians 6:1-5Rev. Jenn Wagar
July 21"Seeing God at Work" - Col 1:15-20, 2 Cor 5:17-20, Rev 21:1-4Rev. Jenn Wagar
July 14"Reconsidering the Meaning of Poverty" - Matt 25:31-46, 1 John 3:17Rev. Jenn Wagar

#family   |   May 5  –  Jun 23, 2019

God created family. He intended it to be the best place to experience love, acceptance, belonging and His truth, but we so often stumble through these most important relationships! This series is intended to help you and your family take some courageous steps so that you can enjoy the peace, happiness, and contentment that God intended for your family and but to death the lie that says that there is no hope for your marriage and your family.
July 7Awakenings - Part 2: "A World View" - 2 Cor 5:14-21Rob Webb (Lay Minister)
Jun 30Awakenings - Eph 5:14Guest Speaker, Rev. John-Mark Cockram
Jun 23Interactive Family Service - "The Power of a Praying Family" and CommunionRev. Jenn Wagar
Jun 16Father's Day - "Leaving a Legacy"Guest Speaker, Rev. Derek Rumball
Jun 9"'Til Debt Us Do Part"

Testimony - Landon Tomlinson,
Summer Intern (Children & Youth)
Rev. Jenn Wagar

Jun 2"The Enemy in Your Home"Rev. Jenn Wagar
May 26"Conflict in Paradise" - Rom 12:9-21Rev. Henry Dyck
May 19"The Marriage Covenant"Rob Webb (Lay Minister)
May 12Mother's Day - "Things I Learned from My Mom"Rev. Jenn Wagar
May 5"Ideal Family"Pastor Mike Brain

LOVE DOES   |  Mar 3 – Apr 28, 2019

This is a series about God’s love… and the most amazing thing about that love is that it’s not just a bunch of rules or stuff we have to agree with. God’s love is different. It changes things. It’s active. It works. It risks. God’s love … DOES.
This isn’t just another sermon series in learning about the Love of God – this is an experiment in doing the love of God. Based on Bob Goff’s Book, “Love Does.”
Apr 28Camp SundayRev. Jenn Wagar, with camp testimonies from Guest Speakers: Hillary Handy and Chris Prinsep
Apr 21Easter SundayRev. Jenn Wagar
Apr 14Palm Sunday - Children's ServiceRev. Jenn Wagar
Apr 7Follow MeRev. Jenn Wagar
Mar 24Audacious LoveRev. Jenn Wagar
Mar 17Free to FailRev. Henry Dyck
Mar 10I'm With YouRev. Jenn Wagar
Mar 315th Anniversary Celebration Service & Pancake LunchVideo and Testimoniesn/a

GALATIANS – “Good News”  |  Jan 20 – Feb 24, 2019

If someone asked you to explain the gospel, what would you say? What is the good news of the Christian faith? Writing to the Galatians, Paul made it clear how easily we can be tempted to turn toward fraudulent gospels, especially those that teach we can earn God’s love through our works. Though they may have the appearance of truth, they are lifeless and leave us empty in the end. True freedom is found in surrender, not self-dependence, because our gospel is not one based on our works, but faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ.
Feb 24The Book of Galatians - Gal 6Rob Webb (Lay Minister)
Feb 17The Book of Galatians - Gal 5Rev. Jenn Wagar
Feb 10The Book of Galatians - Gal 4Rev. Jenn Wagar
Feb 3The Book of Galatians - Gal 3Rev. Jenn Wagar
Jan 27The Book of Galatians - Gal 2Pastor Mike Brain
Jan 20The Book of Galatians - Gal 1
Video: G.O.S.P.E.L. by Propaganda
Rev. Jenn Wagar

7 DAYS of Prayer & Fasting  |  Jan 6 – 13, 2019

Set aside January 6-13 and ask God to transform: Your Workplace. Your Attitude. Your Mind. Your Community. Your Family.
A new year is coming and each year we set aside time at the beginning of the year to pause as a family and seek the Lord together. By setting aside this first full week of the New Year, we declare that God comes first and we desire to know His plans and purposes for our families & our church!
The week begins with a Covenant Renewal service and ends with a Healing service.
Jan 6Start of 7 DAYS of Prayer & Fasting - Wesleyan Covenant Renewal ServiceRev. Jenn Wagar